
Name: Dr. Samuel  Mburu


  • PhD Haematological Pathology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 2013
  • Haematological Pathology, Cape Peninsula University, South Africa, 2009
  • Haematological Pathology, Kenyatta University, 1997

Research Interests

  • HIV/AIDS and Counselling.


  1. Mburu, S. Similarities in Pathophysiology of Early HIV infection and Certain Cancers. Implication for Current Practice and Research. Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany.
  2. Mburu, S., Mutuku I., Kimani K. 2020. Readiness of Primary Health Care Diagnostic Laboratory Services to Support UHC Programme in Kenya. A Case Study of Three Counties. Journal of Health & Environmental Research. 6(4): 128-142.doi:10.11648/j.jher.20200604.14.
  3. Mburu, S. Targeting the Seven Cancer Hallmarks by Modulation of Oxidative stress, Inflammation and Immune Activation; A Radical Therapeutic Approach. Cancer and Oncology Research, 5(2): 32-43, 2017
  4. Mburu, S. Similarities and Differences between Asymptomatic HIV Infection and Cancer; A “Common Driver” Hypothesis. Cancer & Oncology Research, 5(2): 21-31, 2017
  5. Mburu, S. Climate Change and Increased Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). A Review. RJLBPCS 3(1): 58.
  6. Mburu, S, Irene Mutuku. 2017. HIV/AIDS Distigmatisation at Work Place- More than Comprehensive Knowledge Required. IJJPEBS, 2017; 3(6): 63-69
  7. Mburu, S., Irene Mutuku. HIV Status Awareness Among the Youth is Critical to Prevention. Journal of Nursing & Health Sciences, 22( 5, Ver. 9): 16-22    
  8. Mburu, S., S.J., Mutuku, I. 2017. Male Students More Likely to Abuse and Become Addicted to Drugs; A Case Study of Kirinyaga University, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 22(S5): 16-22.
  9. Dennis Butto., Mburu S. 2015. Factors Associated with Male Involvement in Family Planning in West Pokot County, Kenya. Universal Journal of Public Health, 3: 160-168 ID: 17604170.
  10. Mburu, S., Marnewick, J. L., Abayomi, A., Ipp, H. Modulation of LPS- Induced T-cell Activation by Antioxidants in Asymptomatic HIV Infection. Clinical & Developmental Immunology, Vol. 2013, ID 631063, 2013.
  11. Mburu, S. Impact of Inflammation Induced Oxidative Stress on the Integrity of CD4 T-Lymphocytes: An In Vitro Asymptomatic HIV Infection Model. Ph.D Thesis. Stellenbosch University